Premier calls for stimulating creativity

Updated: Jun 2,2016 3:32 PM     

The State Council executive meeting on June 1 decided to cancel another 47 vocational licenses, to further boost the creativity of researchers and business people.

Many college graduates are busy with exams for vocational licenses and are worried about getting a job if they fail to get certain licenses. Superfluous vocational licenses have increased the requirements for employment and institutional costs. Premier Li noted that canceling some licenses will help graduates find jobs or start their own businesses.

The Premier made some efforts to cancel the fees for these licenses. On April 15, the Premier promised to launch plans for research fund management to motivate researchers’ creativity and give more rights to colleges to make their own decisions through power delegation.

The State Council executive meeting presided over by Premier Li one month later decided to streamline financial budgeting for scientific research projects, increase personnel fees, and simplify management of equipment purchases for scientific research.

Despite difficulties, the government spared no efforts to delegate power and improve services, in science and research and vocational qualifications. The government called for all efforts to invigorate people’s creativity and tap the great potential of human resources.
