China to promote nuclear power standardization

Updated: Aug 9,2018 9:37 PM     english.gov.cn

The State Council vowed to promote standardization in the nuclear power sector, as a measure to safeguard security and the sustainable development of nuclear power, according to a guideline issued on Aug 9.

A self-owned, unified and advanced standard system should be formed to promote the development of nuclear power technology and equipment, the guideline said.

By 2027, China should be ranked among international nuclear power standardization powers and play a leading role in the sector.

A self-owned and unified nuclear island equipment standard should be formed based on comprehensive considerations of security, economic efficiency, industrial foundations and supervision systems.

The structure of the standardized system should be optimized to include common standards and specialized standards.

Policies will be made to promote widespread use of the standards. Using self-owned standards will be a consideration factor in permitting nuclear power projects.

China will strengthen cooperation with nuclear power trading nations and international standardization organizations, in order to expand the influence of Chinese standards, according to the guideline.

Scientific research on nuclear power standardization will be launched on key indicators, with comparisons between Chinese and foreign standards.

More nuclear power experts from home and abroad should join in the creation of Chinese standards.
