Local practices to improve business climate

Updated: Aug 3,2018 3:34 PM     english.gov.cn

The State Council released a circular on Aug 3 outlining 28 typical practices of local governments to improve the business environment.

The practices included eight items in reforming investment approvals, three in facilitating business start-ups and operation, three in improving trade facilitation, four in innovating regulatory ideas and models, four in providing excellent public services, and six in streamlining government services.

In response to the central government’s call for optimizing the country’s business environment, all regions and departments have made efforts to continuously streamline administration, delegate powers, strengthen regulation and improve service, while speeding up transformation of government functions and lowering systematic transaction costs. During the process, they have gained a series of typical examples and experiences.

Publicizing the practices will help local governments exchange ideas, and further create an atmosphere for improving the business environment nationwide, according to the circular.

The State Council urged all regions and departments to learn from each other, explore innovative ways to solve practical problems in starting and operating businesses and work out more detailed measures to improve the business environment.

A coordination group of the State Council will keep track of the progress in regional work, and summarize and expand useful experiences and practices.
