State Council to launch 4th comprehensive inspection

Updated: May 31,2017 6:00 PM     english.gov.cn

The State Council on May 31 released a circular concerning the fourth comprehensive inspection of its departments and local governments. q

The inspection is aimed at urging authorities to implement major policies on maintaining economic growth and improving people’s lives, tackle outstanding problems affecting policy implementation, ensure the economy operates within a reasonable range, and promote stable and healthy economic and social development.

The inspection will focus on five aspects — promoting supply-side structural reform, moderately expanding domestic demand, replacing old growth drivers with new ones, ensuring and improving people’s livelihood, and guarding against major financial risks.

After receiving the circular, local governments and related departments should conduct comprehensive self-evaluations to find outstanding problems and weak links in implementing major policies, and propose effective, long-term corrective measures. The self-evaluation reports should be submitted to the State Council before July 5, 2017.

And from mid-July, the State Council will send inspection groups to conduct on-site inspections over some regions with low rankings in key economic indicators or lagging in completing major tasks.
