New measures to increase rural incomes

Updated: Dec 6,2016 7:14 PM     english.gov.cn

The State Council has rolled out measures to increase rural residents’ income, with innovation to help them cultivate new business.

The circular put forward a target of doubling farmers’ per capita income by 2020 from 2010.

The government will invest more in agricultural infrastructure construction concerning agricultural technology and power grid upgrading in rural areas. Also, more private capital will be encouraged to flow into rural areas, according to the circular.

Efforts will be made to improve subsidy policies for farmers, help maintain farmland capacity and moderate grain management to secure income. In addition, cultivating special agriculture and good brands will help set up incentives.

To enhance financial services, the circular stressed development of inclusive financing, encouraging business banks and internet finance to support rural areas’ development in an orderly manner.

The government is ready to increase policies to help farmers get equal employment opportunities and start businesses. To this end, the circular urged enhancing training of new-type professional farmers, and helping rural migrant workers in cities enjoy equal pay for equal work.

Efforts will also be made to develop agricultural products’ processing industry and agritourism, improve service platforms, and develop technology and e-commerce for returning migrant workers’ entrepreneurship.
