State Council promotes entrepreneurship in rural areas

Updated: Nov 29,2016 4:15 PM     english.gov.cn

The State Council General Office has issued a guideline to support entrepreneurship and innovation and promote the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas.

A growing number of migrant workers, college graduates, retired soldiers and science workers are moving to rural areas for entrepreneurship and innovation. It’s an important part of promoting supply-side structural reform in agriculture and stimulating the rural economy. It can also bring new concepts into agriculture, improve agricultural quality, efficiency and competitiveness and promote the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries.

According to the guideline, these innovators need to be encouraged and guided to develop new resources in rural areas and special industries. They should make full use of their own specialties, take market demand and local resources into consideration and utilize new concepts, technologies and channels. They can also develop family farms or forests, farmers cooperatives, agriculture enterprises and agriculture social service organizations through various ways according to laws and regulations. The integration should be promoted to let farmers share incremental benefits.

Governments at county level should set up “green channels” to provide convenient services for local entrepreneurship and innovation. Specific entrepreneurship guidance, policy consultation, and certification service will be provided to those entering entrepreneurship parks. Administration fees for registration and certificate will be waived for people who go to rural areas for entrepreneurship and innovation.

Banks and financial institutions are encouraged to develop credit products and service modes that meet the demands of entrepreneurship and innovation in rural areas, to help solve the financing problem.

Financial support policies aimed at university students, returning overseas students, science workers, youths and women starting their own businesses should help more people returning to their hometowns or going to rural areas.

Agricultural construction and businesses are encouraged, according to related land policies.

Specific entrepreneurship training programs aimed at different groups of people will be carried out to help them start businesses in rural areas.

Entrepreneurship and innovation bases with regional features will be established based on current developing areas, agricultural industry parks, farmers cooperatives and agricultural planting bases.
