State Council to further promote domestic service consumption

Updated: Nov 28,2016 5:53 PM     english.gov.cn

Tourism, culture, sports, health, elderly care, and educational training will be improved to please consumers, according to a circular issued by the State Council on Nov 28.

Upgrade tourism consumption

By the end of 2016, 100 region-based tourism demonstration zones will be established, and supporting policies for facility construction of leisure agriculture and rural tourism will be carried out.

Tourism companies will be encouraged to expand domestic and international cruise routes, and the 15-day visa-free policy in Shanghai will be introduced to other parts of the nation.

Pilot projects for yacht rental services between Guangdong and Hong Kong will be carried out, and 50 to 80 public yacht marinas and aquatic sports centers will be constructed.

Innovate culture consumption

Efforts will be made to integrate brick-and-mortar bookstores with industries of cultural tourism, innovation and design, trade and logistics, creating complex cultural sites that have multiple functions of reading, exhibition, communication, and leisure activities.

Promote sports consumption

Reforms will be carried out in professional sports leagues for soccer, basketball, and volleyball, among others.

Efforts will be made to provide access to students and the public to use school gymnasiums and stadiums.

Development plans will be made to promote winter sports, mountain and outdoor sports, aquatic sports, and air sports.

Cultivate health consumption

Pilot pre-tax deduction policy for individual income tax of commercial health insurance has been implemented in 31 cities and will be introduced across the nation.

Promote elderly care consumption

Policies to open up the elderly service market and improve elderly care services will be implemented, and thresholds for elderly care institutions will be lowered to increase high-quality products and services for elders.

Idle social resources such as unused factories and office buildings will be turned into elderly care service facilities.

Expand educational training consumption

Reforms will be enhanced in educational institutions established by State-owned enterprises, and social capital is encouraged to get involved in educational training to provide more talent for mass entrepreneurship and innovation.

In addition to tourism, culture, sports, health, elderly care, and educational training, consumption concerning automobiles and green products will also be promoted.

The consumption market environment will also be optimized as efforts are made to strengthen consumer confidence, improve facilities and circulation network, innovate the regulation system, and protect online and offline consumer rights.

Policies for standards and quality of domestic and export products, which apply to food enterprises, will be introduced to daily consumption enterprises, and production and the quality of green and organic agricultural products will be improved.
