China to adopt incentive measures to boost incomes

Updated: Oct 21,2016 8:30 PM     english.gov.cn

The State Council has issued a plan that includes incentive measures for major social groups, in an effort to raise the income of rural and urban residents and make progress toward fairer income distribution around the country.

The plan will be carried out based on the principle of combining various incentives, such as increasing salaries and bonuses, enhancing vocational skills and promoting social recognition. It also will expand income channels and narrow income gaps in order to enhance a sustainable growth of incomes.

By 2020, China should double its per capita income of urban and rural residents compared with 2010, with per capita disposable income occupying a larger proportion of GDP.

In order to achieve this goal, specific incentives measures were introduced targeted at seven major social groups, which are: technical talent, skilled farmer, scientific personnel, small and micro-sized enterprises, enterprise management personnel, cadres at the grassroots level, and disabled or poor people who are able to work, the plan said.

Supporting events will be staged for employment promotion, skills enhancement, social security, property income protection and adjustment, and income distribution regulation and assessment.

Different regions should strengthen coordination in implementing the incentive plan, and may come up with specific rules based on their actual local conditions.

The incentive plan for major social groups should be implemented through inter-ministerial joint meeting, and at local levels, specific rules can be used to promote the plan.
