China launches new measures to fight rural poverty

Updated: Sep 27,2016 6:56 PM     english.gov.cn

The Chinese government is planning to provide more aid to rural residents living in poverty, according to a recent guideline released by the State Council.

Rural families who are registered as living below the minimum livelihood standard will receive allowances as well as targeted help from local authorities to raise their income, the document says.

Allowances include minimum living subsidy, medical insurance aid, temporary aid and disability allowance.

Local minimum livelihood standards that are below the national standard will be raised. In addition, the living standard will be tied to consumer prices to make sure that poor people’s lives will not be affected by rising consumer price index (CPI), the guideline says.

It sets as a goal that by 2020, all poor rural residents below the current standard will be lifted out of poverty.

According to data from the National Statistics Bureau, as of the end of 2015, the poor rural population was 55.75 million.

“An open, strict and fair registration mechanism should be created so that families in need can get help,” the guideline says.

The poverty evaluation system, which is based mainly on family income and assets, will be optimized in its accounting scope and method for a more effective registration.

Local authorities are asked to visit registered poor families regularly to learn about the changes in their members, income and assets.

Also, the minimum living standard and the list of people who receive allowances will be open to public supervision.

In the document, the State Council urges local authorities to implement the policy in a timely and effective manner.

A detailed plan should be submitted to the central government before the end of November 2016 by every local department responsible for poverty alleviation, according to the document. And an investigation into the number and situation of poor families should be conducted.

In addition, the State Council urges local authorities to set up an information system for the poverty alleviation issue, include this work into the performance assessment of government officials, arrange project funds accordingly, and open the project progress information to the public in a timely manner.
