Measures to cut logistics costs, improve efficiency

Updated: Sep 26,2016 5:00 PM     english.gov.cn

The State Council has approved an action plan aimed at cutting logistics costs and improving efficiency, in an effort to promote upgrading the logistics sector, advance supply-side reform and invigorate the real economy.

The plan is expected to build a modern logistics service system by 2018, which will boast a logistics infrastructure network with rational layout and extensive coverage, and logistics service providers with advanced technology and strong competitiveness.

It will also feature the development of various modes of transportation for logistics, including multimodal transport, and the application of internet technology in logistics, such as Internet of Things and Big Data.

Moreover, development of the logistics sector will be further optimized, with efforts to reinforce policy support in terms of tax and land, and ban arbitrary charges or fines.

The efficiency of logistics operations will also be improved, with the proportion of total social logistics cost in GDP reduced over 1 percent from 2015.

In achieving these goals, measures will be taken to streamline administration and delegate power to lower levels, and establish a new logistics market order that is more fair, open and well-regulated.

It also vowed to improve the value-added tax (VAT) policy in the logistics sector and reduce transportation charges for logistics enterprises, in order to cultivate new momentum for the innovative development of the industry.

In addition, the plan promised to improve logistics facilities and logistics criteria system, build a cooperative and secure mechanism, and promote the integrated development of logistics in manufacturing, transportation and commerce.
