Govt offers financial support for rural migrants’ urbanization

Updated: Aug 5,2016 8:55 PM     english.gov.cn

The State Council issued a circular on Aug 5, giving series of financial supports for rural migrants’ urbanization to acquire townspeople status equal to that of their urban fellows.

The circular urged local governments to take actions to help rural migrants’ urbanization, including building good financial system and providing enough social security benefits and public services for them.

Local governments should put policies in place that reduce educational fees, help rural migrants’ offspring gain equal admission in secondary and vocational schools and provide inclusive preschool education, said the circular.

Efforts should also be made to step up steps to transfer rural migrants’ medical insurance and expense settlement of medical treatment to the cities where they live. Unified social security system covering urban and rural areas is urged, and rural migrants who have residence permits should get equal access to cities’ medical welfare.

Special funds on employment should be given reasonable weights to migrant people, and vocational counseling and training services should be offered to the unemployed migrant residents.

Lower levels of government will enjoy incentive funds based on their performance on allowing eligible rural migrants’ hukou application and providing basic public services for the migrant residents.

Central government will offer funds to local governments, especially those in central and western regions, which need more supports on rural migrants’ urbanization.

When allocating funds to counties, central and provincial governments should take account of people with residence permits, and give more financial supports to central and western regions which have difficulties in absorbing rural migrants.

The circular also urged cities to strengthen their function and carrying capacity to better serve rural migrants’ urbanization, and to construct urban infrastructures by absorbing social investment and promoting Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model.

Local governments are banned from forcing farmers to transfer their rights on farming lands and homesteads. Relevant exit mechanism concerning this aspect should be established to guide the farmers, the circular stressed.

Central government’s payments to the lower-levels will be adjusted according to local government’s ability and cost in absorbing rural migrants. Developed areas should take more responsibilities to promote rural migrants’ urbanization, the circular added.
