State Council conducts national inspection on government websites

Updated: Jul 25,2016 2:06 PM     english.gov.cn

The General Office of the State Council conducted a second round of selective examination on 746 government websites in June 2016, including 617 local government websites and 129 websites of ministries and departments under the State Council, according to a circular released on July 25.

It said 85 percent of the websites passed the inspection with improving content management and fewer inaccessible and inactive sites, a better result than the first quarter.

Of the websites for ministries and departments under the State council, 98.5 percent passed the inspection. Among local government websites, some, such as Beijing, Liaoning, and Qinghai, achieved a pass rate of 100 percent, and some, including Guangdong, Hubei, Shandong, Zhejiang, Sichuan, and Hunan, were above 90 percent.

The inspection also selected 32 provincial and 71 ministry-level websites to examine their response to important information from the central government website. According to the circular, 90 percent of those websites set aside a special column on the homepage to release important policies from the State Council, and over 80 percent of them could reproduce key information from the State Council within 24 hours.

In addition, the inspection also found some problems among certain grassroots websites, such as infrequent updates, no timely response to users’ inquiries or inaccessible columns. The circular urged standardizing websites’ update or shutdown procedures and providing accurate data about the website’s basic information.

Governments at all levels were asked to strengthen website management and set up a regular monitoring system. Important policies released by the central government website should be circulated by all government websites within 24 hours, said the circular.

Related governments should take measures to deal with those problems and send feedback reports to the State Council before Aug 15, added the document.
