State Council issues plan to implement IPR strategy

Updated: Jul 18,2016 2:27 PM     english.gov.cn

The State Council on July 18 issued a guideline for accelerating the construction of a strategy to reinvigorate China through intellectual property rights (IPR).

The guideline highlighted the goals and measures for IPR use, protection and management, which called for coordinated work involving 40 government departments.

It urged several related departments to promote reform of the management mechanism for IPR. The State Intellectual Property Office, State Commission Office of Public Sectors Reform and the State Administration for Industry & Commerce are among those taking charge of improving the management system and service sector, as well as improving the management of social organization of IPR.

In addition, the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Science and Technology and National Bureau of Statistics are among those assigned to take charge of establishing an appraisal system on IPR for major economic activities or a valuation system on innovation-driven development centering on IPR.

The guideline also called for strict protection of IPR. Efforts will be made to fight infringement of IPR. The Supreme People’s Court and the Ministry of Public Security are among those ordered to do their part.

Moreover, it called for related departments, including the People’s Bank of China and Office of the Central Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs, to establish and improve prevention of IPR infringement, strengthen protection in the innovative achievement of new business formats and new fields, and rectify abuse of intellectual property rights.

The guideline urged promoting the use of IPR by improving the mechanism for IPR examination and registration, promoting the reform of patent licensing system, strengthening the construction of a platform for IPR trade, cultivating IPR-intensive industries, enhancing the additional value and international influence of IPR and reinforcing the open use of IPR information.

It called on strengthening overseas distribution and risk control on IPR of key industries, improving the risk warning system and enhancing risk control as well as strengthening legal assistance for IPR overseas.

The guideline also urged enhancing international cooperation, by establishing more fair and equitable international IPR rules, strengthening international cooperation, expanding IPR assistance to developing countries and expanding public diplomacy channels for IPR.

Meanwhile, it asks related departments to step up efforts in finance and taxation, reinforce the construction of a team of professional talent as well as beef up publicity and guidance for IPR.
