State Council promotes creative cultural products

Updated: May 16,2016 4:53 PM     english.gov.cn

The State Council general office issued a guideline on May 16 to promote the development of creative cultural products by related organizations.

Related organizations include museums, art galleries, libraries, cultural pavilions, public art museums, memorial halls, intangible cultural heritage protection centers and other groups with cultural resources.

According to the guideline,

Major tasks listed in the guideline are as follows:

Stimulate the enthusiasm of related organizations. Encourage them to expand cooperation with private organizations and to establish a complementary cooperation mechanism. Promote sharing resources, ideas and market.

Provide convenience for individuals to participate in research and development, production and businesses. Encourage private capital to be invested in the development of creative cultural products.

Reorganize the resources systematically and by category. Establish a digitalized resource database and a sharing platform.

Promote the cooperation of related organizations with creative design institutions, colleges and universities, and vocational schools to develop more new products with innovation.

Improve the sales system. Encourage cross-border e-commerce. Support integration with other related industries such as creative design and tourism.

The guideline also lists some supporting measures and policies.

The development of creative cultural products will be gradually included in the evaluation of cultural relic organizations.

Pilot programs will be carried out to set up business enterprises at some national-level, provincial-level and sub-provincial level museums, art galleries and libraries.

Investment in the development made by various levels of financial departments should be improved. Demonstration organizations will be developed. Supervision will be enhanced and infringement will be severely punished.

Select and develop entrepreneurship and innovation spaces to promote digital products of cultural relics. Regulate and encourage activities such as product selection and design competition to promote the demonstration and trading of related products. Overseas cultural centers and international exhibitions are also platforms that can help products go abroad.
