China to crack down on property infringement and shoddy products

Updated: May 4,2016 5:04 PM     english.gov.cn

China will take strict measures to crack down on intellectual property infringement and the making and selling of fake goods, according to a State Council circular released on May 4.

The government will crack down on online sales of shoddy products, especially popular foods, medicine, agricultural goods, household appliances, construction materials, auto parts and children’s products, said the document.

It required setting up a tracing system for fake goods traded through cross-border e-commerce, and asked related departments to crack down on online piracy and infringements, especially in the fields of online literature, music, videos, games, comics and software.

Government departments, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Cyberspace Administration, should strengthen oversight on websites, requiring them to strictly censor content, ease the reporting channels and improve the punishment mechanism.

In addition to the measures on the domestic market, the document also decided to crack down on the illegal exporting of fake or shoddy goods to foreign countries, especially to countries in the Latin American region.

To better protect intelligent property rights and crack down on illegal actions, the government will further regulate the trademark agent market, and seriously punish the act of malicious preemptive registration of trademarks. In addition, a unified social credit number system will be set up nationwide, and information concerning administrative approvals and punishment will be published online.
