Quality upgrades to help structural reform

Updated: Apr 19,2016 5:32 PM     english.gov.cn

To improve the quality and efficiency in development, the State Council on April 19 issued a circular, presenting the quality improvement action plans for supply-side structural reform in 2016.

The circular put forward a series of measures to improve quality and branding, including carrying out related operations, optimizing the environment, fostering competitive advantages as well as enhancing the legal system.

According to the circular, governments at all levels should take actions to increase motivation for quality and brand upgrades, carry out operations that focus on products with public concerns and foods for export, enhance the vocational skills of laborers, drive technical innovation in key areas, and encourage adopting an advanced management system and standards.

Brand construction was emphasized as a requirement in the circular, which asks for governments at all levels to formulate a 13th Five-Year Plan, improving national standards for brands and helping enterprises strengthen brand construction. Furthermore, they will direct the international standards development and help Chinese brands go global.

Meanwhile, the circular said that governments are responsible for a better environment in which quality and branding can get upgrades.

The actions are presented to clean out any outdated production facilities and cut industrial capacity in areas including coal and steel, electrolytic aluminum and petrochemical industries.

Efforts to strengthen supervision and regulation in key sectors are also required. Governments should step up developing the tracking system for important products, and heavily regulate and supervise food safety in schools, the quality of daily necessities and drinking water.

The circular also called for the development of a quality credibility system, with an information sharing system built to collect and integrate credit information concerning product quality, intellectual property, water projects, highways and waterways, travel companies and offshore production of imported and exported foods.

The government and society are expected to jointly carry out a national “quality month 2016” campaign, driving the entire society to improve quality and foster better brands, the circular said.

In addition, the circular also stressed that performance reviews should be conducted and that the news media supervision and publicity should be given full play.

New competitive advantages can be acquired through keeping quality imports and quality exports in foreign trade areas and promoting the quality of e-commerce businesses, the circular said.

Furthermore, the legal system should be improved to lay a solid foundation for quality and brand upgrades.

The circular calls on governments at all levels to keep leading and coordinating the brand and quality improvement operations, fulfill the responsibility and ensure the completion of this year’s tasks.
