State Council approves plan for industrial park in Shenyang

Updated: Dec 24,2015 11:28 AM     english.gov.cn

The State Council approved a plan to build a China-Germany high-end equipment manufacturing industrial park in Shenyang, capital city of Northeast China’s Liaoning province on Dec 23.

The industrial park hopes to innovate China’s equipment manufacturing industry and link the country’s “Made in China 2025” strategy with the German strategy of “Industry 4.0,” according to a State Council document.

The high-end equipment manufacturing industrial park, which will be internationalized, intelligent and environment-friendly, will help China and Germany achieve a mutual complement of technological advantages, create new growth points for Shenyang, and play a key role in revitalizing the old industrial base in Northeast China.

It said that related departments of the State Council must play their coordination and guiding roles, give support and help solve problems during the construction process of the plan.

Liaoning provincial government will make sure the construction task will be achieved as planned, and apply for approvals for key policies and projects according to regulations.

The National Development and Reform Commission will be in charge of supervision, timely evaluating the project and reporting to the State Council in case of major incidents, said the document.
