Agriculture census to be held in 2016, the State Council says

Updated: Jun 22,2015 3:37 PM     english.gov.cn

The third nationwide census of Chinese agriculture will take place next year, according to a notice issued by the State Council on June 22.

Research will acquire basic information about agriculture, rural areas and farmers. It will reflect changes in the sector, and is important for making scientific policies.

Subjects: residents in rural areas; agricultural proprietors in rural areas, towns and villages; agricultural production and operation enterprises; village committees and governments at county level.

Industries to be surveyed include crop farming, forestry, stock raising, fishing and services for them.

The census will collect information about the utilization of farming land; agricultural production and structure; new types of agricultural proprietors; agricultural industrialization; the environment of rural areas and changes in living patterns of local residents.

The State Council will set up a committee to organize and lead the census. It made clear the work of different areas and ministries and said funds will be guaranteed.

The notice requires that the census should adhere to laws and regulations, make use of modern information technologies and strengthen promotion.
