World’s longest, highest glass bridge complete

Updated: Dec 5,2015 2:39 PM     cntv.cn

The world’s longest and highest glass bridge is almost ready for crossing by the brave-hearted. Construction has just finished on the bridge, which spans 430 meters across the grand canyon of Zhangjiajie, in central China. It’s a sharp drop down of about 300 meters. The bridge weighs in at 41 tons, and is expected to be open to the public next spring.

This is not exactly your average take-home project. A Chinese man has managed to build his very own submarine, at home. And it’s watertight! He’s already taken it for a spin in a reservoir in Guangxi. It took him 7 month to design and put together the sub.

You’ve seen it in the movie, and here it is for real, well, almost. In Guangzhou, in a recreation of the animation “UP”, more than six hundred colorful balloons lifted a small wooden cabin about ninety meters into the air. It hovered up there for about one hour.
