Cross-strait forum focuses on building consensus

Updated: May 4,2015 10:26 AM     Xinhua

The 10th Cross-Strait Economic, Trade and Culture Forum has begun in Shanghai, focusing on small and medium-sized companies, youth and ordinary people, as well as building a consensus to promote the peaceful development of relations between the Chinese Mainland and Taiwan.

Senior officials from the Chinese Mainland and Taiwan attended the opening ceremony. Both praised the efforts and achievements of the cross-strait forum over the past nine years, and addressed the importance of upholding the 1992 consensus on the principle of one China, seeking common ground while putting aside differences.

Eric Chu’s visit is the first by a leader of the Kuomintang to the Chinese Mainland since 2009. He said that it’s important for Taiwan’s ruling party to maintain a good relationship with the Communist Party of China, and the key to advancing cross-strait ties lies in cooperation and peace, not confrontation.

“Cross-strait communication should be inherited, and the communication between both sides should be deepened. People can benefit more from cross-strait peace and the outcome of the forum. Everyone can enjoy benefits from it,” he said.

Encouraging regional economic cooperation is also an aim shared by the two sides, as China is working on the construction of the “one belt, one road” initiative, as well as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Eric Chu said Taiwan is willing to take a more active part in this process.

And both parties hope that the young generation will help further enhance communication, understanding and cooperation, as they are the future, and the key to continuing the development of cross-strait relations.
