China to step up crackdown on malpractice in after-school institutions

Updated: Feb 25,2019 8:14 PM     Xinhua

BEIJING — The Chinese government announced on Feb 25 that it will step up the campaign against malpractice in after-school institutions as schools across the country are beginning enrolling students for autumn semester.

Some after-school institutions may try to lure more students by illegal means such as exaggerated advertisements, said a statement from a State Council committee that supervises education services.

Another priority of the crackdown will be after-school institutions that set their curriculum too much ahead of the normal school curriculum or promise enrollment of good schools, the statement said.

It praised the education departments in Hebei and Hubei provinces for their quick and effective punishment on two after-school institutions.

Local governments were instructed to set up joint law enforcement task forces made up of police, market regulation, emergency management and education departments and conduct regular and unannounced inspections.
