China praised in foreign media as leader in global innovation

Updated: Oct 13,2017 6:30 PM     english.gov.cn/Xinhua

China’s new technologies and breakthroughs in recent years have caught the attention of overseas media, and they say that the country is playing a leading role in many innovation areas and becoming a rule-maker of the game.

From imitator to innovator

Forbes, an American magazine, said on Sept 12 that from the perspective of international sci-tech circles decades ago, there would be a greater chance for China to copy Western products than create its own. However, after years of government support and economic growth, China has turned from an imitator to an innovator, which can lead global technological development.

An article published in Financial Times Chinese on Sept 19 said that China is no longer a copycat. Many Chinese enterprises have taken the lead in new business fields, such as bike sharing, application of QR codes, social media and new-type retail models.

China surpassing Western countries in many areas

In a report on Sept 14, the Times of Britain said that China has an advantage in artificial intelligence over Western countries thanks to the great support from the government. In addition, China has the world’s biggest internet population, which is more open to new technologies.

According to Russia Today on Sept 20, China might be one of the biggest beneficiaries from artificial intelligence, as deep application of the technology will enhance labor productivity and stimulate consumption.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Sept 20 that China had launched an ambitious project to decode the genomes of at least one million Chinese citizens, which might lift the nation’s modern medical research to a frontier level.

China has surpassed the early starters in military drones, and the next generation of drones will be able to form fleets. A senior engineer at American think tank Rand said that theoretically, there is no defensive measures against the fleet, BBC reported.

Rule-maker of the game

Financial Times reported on its Chinese website that the trend of the world is changing, and more people are coming to China to learn popular technologies. Overseas Chinese are also returning, and second- and third-tier cities are becoming new destinations for them.

Meanwhile, Chinese technologies are going out to serve the world. Recently, teenagers from countries along the Belt and Road Initiative picked out China’s four new inventions, including high-speed railway, Alipay, bike sharing and online shopping.

It is extraordinary that the country only spent 30 years completing the third industrial revolution, which took Western countries almost 200 years, said the Financial Times.

German magazine Focus reported that the Made in China 2020 strategy and other plans have demonstrated that China is making its utmost efforts to grow into a great nation of technology.
