Chinese submersible Jiaolong completes dives in South China Sea

Updated: May 11,2017 10:14 AM     Xinhua

ON BOARD SHIP XIANGYANGHONG 09 — Jiaolong, China’s manned submersible, conducted its ninth and final dive in the South China Sea on May 10.

Jiaolong stayed underwater for nine and a half hours in its ninth dive in the second stage of China’s 38th ocean scientific expedition, which will last until May 13.

The maximum depth of the dive was 1,897 meters in the Puyuan Seamount.

Three crew in the submersible brought back samples of seawater near the seabed, sediment, high-definition photographs and video footage.

The 38th oceanic scientific expedition started on Feb 6. Jiaolong completed a dive in the northwestern Indian Ocean earlier this year in the mission’s first stage. It will also conduct surveys in the Yap Trench and the Mariana Trench in the third stage.

Named after a mythical dragon, Jiaolong reached its deepest depth of 7,062 meters in the Mariana Trench in June 2012.
