State Council checks implementation of reform on streamlining administration

Updated: Mar 20,2017 4:31 PM     english.gov.cn

The State Council has announced a nationwide inspection on the implementation of policies and measures concerning the reform of streamlining administration, delegating power, strengthening regulation and improving services.

The inspection will help further push forward the reform, accelerate the transformation of government functions and enhance its efficiency to unleash market vitality and promote economic development, according to a document from the State Council.

To be specific, the implementation of policies and measures to be under scrutiny involve five aspects: streamlining government and delegating authority, promoting commercial system reform, improving responsibility list system, strengthening supervision and optimizing government services.

From late March to mid-April, every region and related department of the State Council is asked to conduct comprehensive self-scrutiny in accordance with the above-mentioned inspection content.

In late April, the State Council will dispatch inspection teams to several provinces (regions and cities) and related departments of the State Council to conduct field inspections.

During the inspection period, the State Council will solicit suggestions from the public via internet about the reform, in a bid to root out any foul play in the implementation of the reform.

The public can send emails to dcjxs@mail.gov.cn, or log on to http://www.gov.cn/zhuanti/2017fgfgg/index.htm to leave messages.
