China urges US to avoid trade remedy measures

Updated: Mar 10,2017 7:41 PM     Xinhua

BEIJING — A commerce official on March 10 urged US authorities not to persistently resort to trade remedy measures, when asked about a US aluminum group filing trade complaint against China.

The Aluminum Association is accusing Chinese producers of using improper subsidies and selling at unfair prices and has applied to the US Commerce Department for an anti-dumping and anti-subsidy survey.

Sino-US aluminum industries have a sound cooperative basis with complementary products. Specifically, China exports quality products to satisfy American consumers and imports aluminum foil, said Wang Hejun, head of the Ministry of Commerce’s trade remedy and investigation bureau.

“The two sides share a broad cooperative space,” Wang said. “Cooperation is the only route to mutual benefit and win-win.”

China hopes the two sides solve common concerns through consultation and dialogue, and the US Commerce Department will be prudent enough to reject accusations that damage cooperation, Wang said.
