Voice from deputies of two sessions

Updated: Mar 10,2017 9:49 AM     China Daily


Lei Jun, NPC deputy and founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Corp

The public condemns the fakes that are sold online, but we face the same problem offline as well. Xiaomi is a victim of fakes. They may look almost the same as the genuine article, but they are of very poor quality and do great harm to the image of made-in-China products. One of the biggest difficulties in cracking down on fakes is that the factories making them and dealers selling them are spread over different regions. I suggest the government imposes more-severe penalties on people who manufacture or sell fakes and select key regions and markets for close supervision.

Ling Jiefang, CPPCC National Committee member and writer under the pen name Er Yuehe

A decent upbringing could help prevent future officials from becoming corrupt. Children who are raised in a healthy home environment tend to grow into law-abiding, responsible adults who understand Chinese traditions. Officials from a good background could focus more on developing positive personality traits.

Yan Weiwen, CPPCC National Committee member and singer

Elementary schools should promote the folk songs that have been passed down by our ancestors. That way, when children grow up and listen to those folk songs again, it will bring back positive memories. Research I have conducted suggests that only 10 percent of the songs taught in elementary schools are folk songs. I think that number should be increased to 30 percent.

Pan Xiaoyan, CPPCC National Committee member and vice-chairman of Xinjiang Lawyers Association

As smog has become a pervasive issue under the country’s current circumstances, I think government agencies and other organizations should pay more attention to the health risks it poses to outdoor workers, such as delivery drivers, traffic police and environmental sanitation workers. There is no law or regulation at present to offer them any protection. When the smog is bad, outdoor workers should receive hazard pay.

Zhu Zhengxu, NPC deputy and a judge with the people’s court in Baofeng county, Henan province

Recently, there have been many news items about people eating animals that are under national protection. I think one of the main reasons for this is a lack of awareness of the law. Both hunters and businessmen are ignoring the law to make huge profits. I think law enforcement should be improved to combat such crimes.

Liu Pingjun, CPPCC National Committee member and director of the China Council for the Promotion of Brand Building

Society as a whole should demand genuine, quality products. Only when the public says no to counterfeits can we finally eradicate the counterfeiters who are making a fortune by selling fake goods. Years ago, when I was working to combat counterfeits, one e-commerce platform seller confessed to me that there was more profit to be made from selling fake 50-year-old Moutai than from selling drugs.
