China to further promote proactive employment policy

Updated: Jun 20,2016 9:21 AM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang inspects the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on May 6, 2015.

China’s 13th Five-Year Plan proposed pursuing a more proactive employment policy, with the goal of establishing a market-oriented employment mechanism and encouraging people to start their own businesses.

According to Zhou Tianyong, a professor from the Party School of the Central Committee of CPC, top leaders have pointed out that employment is closely connected to sustainable economic development and people’s livelihood.

Although the growth speed of the Chinese economy has slowed down amid a sluggish world economy, the employment situation is generally stable.

There are some favorable factors in the employment outlook for China.

Economic growth has remained within a reasonable range. Experts predicted that over 10 million people will enter the job market annually in cities and towns if China’s GDP growth rate stays at 6 percent or higher.

In addition, industrial structural reform has boosted the service industry, providing half of the job opportunities. Also, an increasing number of people have started their own businesses with new business models, including online stores and Internet Plus.

The government has further promoted business system reform to streamline administrative approval procedures, transform government functions, and unleash job market potential.

“Another key issue to the employment policy is promoting the development of medium- and high-end manufacturing industries and strengthening vocational education,” said Chen Yu, vice-president of the China Association of Employment Promotion.
