Public opinions getting quick feedback during two sessions

Updated: Mar 15,2016 11:09 AM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang joins a panel discussion with deputies from Fujian province at the annual session of the National People’s Congress on March 7, 2016.[Photo/China Daily]

Two days after Lai Ming, a Standing Committee member of the 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee, submitted his proposals at a panel discussion on March 5, he received feedback from related departments under the State Council.

Before the two sessions, Premier Li Keqiang urged the government to listen to the opinions of the national lawmakers and political advisers, and gather public wisdom. During March 5-9, more than 200 officials of the State Council General Office joined panel discussions under the National People’s Congress and CPPCC.

Premier Li Keqiang joins a panel discussion with members of the National Committee of CPPCC from economic and agricultural sectors on March 4. [Photo/China Daily]

In the past, the State Council sent only senior officials to discussions at the two sessions. This is the first time that the State Council dispatched a large number of staff members to join the conference.

The officials were asked to send back opinions and suggestions raised at the meetings to the State Council General Office twice a day, for further processing.

Premier Li Keqiang attends a group discussion with deputies to the 12th National People’s Congress from South China’s Guangdong province on March 9. [Photo/China Daily]

“Our goal was to avoid any information being left unprocessed overnight. During the five days, we selected 538 specific suggestions from more than 8,000 submitted,” a State Council official said.

The suggestions are presented to Premier Li on a daily basis, and then they are distributed to related departments, which are then required to respond to the opinions before the conclusion of the two sessions, according to another official.
