Hot topics at forthcoming two sessions

Updated: Feb 24,2016 1:50 PM     People’s Daily Online

China will enter “two sessions” (NPC and CPPCC sessions) time in March, which is an important window for the outside world to observe the country’s politics and economy. It is important to understand the hot button topics and phrases that will be frequently discussed during the sessions.

13th Five-Year Plan

One of the main goals during the upcoming two sessions is to review and approve the 13th Five-Year Plan, a road map for China’s development from 2016 through 2020. The plan will undoubtedly to be a primary focus of the two sessions.

Supply-side structural reform

At a key economic meeting in Beijing in December 2015, the Chinese government pledged to take steps to push forward supply-side structural reform in 2016 and beyond to support growth through new demand and productivity.

Amid the worldwide economic downturn, China’s economy will face great challenges and new uncertainties. The release of the timetable and road map for supply-side structural reform, as well as plans for how to control and bear the strains of the reform, will determine the future of the Chinese economy. This information will also affect the confidence of the outside world when it comes to China’s economy.

“Made in China 2025” and “Internet Plus”

The 2015 government work report put forward for the first time the concepts of “Made in China 2025” and “Internet Plus.” People are expecting to see guidelines for China’s manufacturing industry in the next ten years, and many wonder how the Internet will accelerate its integration, which will bring new momentum to Chinese products and the economy.

Poverty eradication

China will lift the country’s 70 million poor people above the poverty line by 2020, which is a tough but essential battle for the next five years.

At the starting year of the 13th Five-Year Plan, it is worth noting whether new support policies for poverty eradication are enacted during the sessions.

A Community of common destiny

From “community of common destiny with neighboring countries” to “a community of shared destiny for Asia” to “building a community of common destiny for mankind,” in the past year China has demonstrated great willingness to cooperate with other countries to achieve mutually beneficial cooperation.

In 2016, tensions in the South China Sea and the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula remain unresolved. At the two sessions, where political and diplomatic elite will gather, the outside world is eagerly awaiting China’s response to these situations.

Four awarenesses

The goal of enhancing awareness in four specific arenas was put forward at the end of January this year in a key meeting. These arenas include political awareness, overall awareness and others. This goal indicates that China’s politics and governance have entered a new stage; the four awarenesses will be further clarified during the two sessions.  

Five military theaters of operations

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) established five new theaters of operations this year, which marks the latest initiative for China to implement a comprehensive reform strategy. This is regarded as the largest military reform since the 1950s. During the two sessions, the five theaters and related topics are expected to receive a lot of attention.
