Chinese, Norwegian experts eye sustainable agricultural development

Updated: Aug 7,2018 8:33 PM     Xinhua

HARBIN — More than 400 experts from China and Norway participated in a forum on sustainable agricultural development in Harbin, capital of northeast China’s Heilongjiang province.

Organized by Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences and relevant Norwegian departments and institutes, the 5th Sino-Norwegian Forum on Sustainable Agricultural Development was held in the city on Aug 6 and 7.

Agricultural specialists from the two sides held in-depth discussions focused on soil environment, sustainable livestock farming development, and straw utilization.

“The forum has become an important platform of cooperation and exchanges in the fields of agriculture and science between China and Norway,” said Yu Lihe, deputy director of the provincial science and technology department.

“Experts from both sides have made great achievements in sustainable agricultural development over the past few years and injected vitality into the agricultural development of the two countries,” Yu added.

China and Norway have been deepening cooperation in agro-ecology and development since 2010. Regular academic visits and international conferences have been organized as well as the establishment of joint development and research centers and laboratories.
