Belt and Road Initiative brings tangible benefits: Belarusian official

Updated: Dec 4,2016 5:29 PM     Xinhua

BEIJING — China’s Belt and Road Initiative has not only guaranteed the mutually beneficial cooperation between nations but also promoted the concerted development in various fields of different regions, bringing tangible benefits to the peoples of the countries along the route, said a senior Belarusian official on Dec 2.

During an interview with China’s media group, Snopkov Nikolai, the deputy head of the Belarus President Administration, said that the construction of the Belt and Road is of great significance to Belarus, which serves as an important pivot in the blueprint of the Silk Road Economic Belt.

“Belarus is one of the earliest countries to support the Belt and Road Initiative,” he stressed.

Snopkov said that currently the infrastructure construction in transportation is one of the priorities for Belarus, so the Belarus hailed and supported the construction of the Asia-Europe continental bridge under the Belt and Road Initiatives.

“Belarus is willing to play the pivotal role in Euro-Asia area, in an effort to push forward logistics and information flow, ” Snopkov added.

Talking about the concrete measures to jointly built up the Silk Road Economic Belt, Snopkov pointed out that China-Belarus industrial park is an important step in the construction of Silk Road Economic Belt, since it plays the role of transportation pivot and will become a key transportation base of Belarus.
