State Council Gazette Issue No. 10 Serial No. 1585 (April 10, 2017)

Updated: Apr 11,2017 10:27 AM     english.gov.cn


•Decree of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China (No. 676)

-Decision of the State Council on Amending and Annulling Certain Administrative Regulations

•Opinions of the State Council on Strengthening the Work of Combating Infringement upon Intellectual Property and Manufacture and Sale of Fake or Substandard Commodities under New Situation

•Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Issuing the Legislation Work Plan of the State Council in 2017

•Legislation Work Plan of the State Council in 2017

•Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Adjusting the Constituent Members of the Monetary Policy Committee of the People’s Bank of China

•Decree of the National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China (No. 42)

- Measures for Supervision and Administration of Quality Safety of Grain

•Decree of the Ministry of Justice of the People’s Republic of China (No. 135) Decision of the Ministry of Justice on Amending the Measures for Dealing with

- Violations of Rules of Discipline in the National Judicial Examination

•Measures for Dealing with Violations of Rules of Discipline in the National Judicial Examination

•Decree of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People’s Republic of China (No. 29)

-Measures for Disclosing to the Public Serious Violations of Laws on Labour and Social Security

•Decree of the Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China (No. 20, 2016)

-Provisions on Continued Airworthiness and Safety Improvements for Transport Category Airplanes

•Decree of the Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China (No. 69, 2016)

-Decision of the Ministry of Transport on Amending the Provisions of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of Navigation Safety in Surface and Underwater Activities

-Provisions of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of Navigation Safety in Surface and Underwater Activities

•Decree of the Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China (No. 70, 2016)

-Decision of the Ministry of Transport on Amending the Provisions on Administration

of Complaints on Service Quality of Road Transport

•Provisions on Administration of Complaints on Service Quality of Road Transport

•Decree of the Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China (No. 71, 2016)

- Decision of the Ministry of Transport on Amending the Provisions on Administration of Road Transport of Radioactive Material

•Provisions on Administration of Road Transport of Radioactive Material

•Decree of the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China

(No. 230)

-Measures for Implementation of the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Customs External Auditing•Decree of the National Tourism Administration (No. 40)

• Decision on Annulling the Implementing Measures for Administration of Tour Guides•Decree of the National Tourism Administration (No. 41)

-Measures for Safety Administration in Tourism

•Decree of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (No. 127)

-Decision on Amending the Measures for Administration of Major Assets-restructuring of Listed Companies

•Measures for Administration of Major Assets-restructuring of Listed Companies

The Table of Contents is prepared in both Chinese and English, with the Chinese version being official.
