State Council Gazette Issue No. 34 Serial No. 1573 (Dec 10, 2016)

Updated: Dec 10,2016 11:13 AM     english.gov.cn


• Opinions of the Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council on Improving the System for Protection of Property Rights and Protecting Property Rights by Law

• Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Printing and Issuing the Program for Implementing the Licensing System for Controlling the Discharge of Pollutants

- Program for Implementing the Licensing System for Controlling the Discharge of Pollutants

• Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Providing More Incentives and Support for Localities Achieving Effective Policy Implementation

• Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Adjusting Five National Nature Reserves Including the Xiaowutaishan Mountain in Hebei

• Decree of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (No. 17)

• Decision of the Ministry of Science and Technology on Annulling Certain Ministerial Rules and Documents

• Decree of the China Food and Drug Administration (No. 26)

• Measures for Administration of Registration of Formulas of Infant Formula Milk Powder

• Decree of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (No. 2, 2016)

• Measures for Administration of Insurance Fund Indirect Investments in Infrastructure Projects

• Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Deepening the Reform of Education and Teaching in Institutions of Higher Education Subordinate to Central Departments

• Opinions of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Culture, the General Administration of Sport, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China and the China Association for Science and Technology on Further Promoting the Development of Community Education

• Circular of the Ministry of Land and Resources on Printing and Issuing the Program for Adjusting the Outline of the National Overall Plan for Land Utilization (2006-2020)

- Program for Adjusting the Outline of the National Overall Plan for Land Utilization (2006-2020)

• Announcement of the Ministry of Water Resources of the People’s Republic of China (No. 17, 2016)

• Announcement of the Ministry of Water Resources on Declaring Annulled and Invalid a Batch of Documents of the Ministry of Water Resources

• List of Documents Declared Annulled by the Ministry of Water Resources

• List of Documents Declared Invalid by the Ministry of Water Resources

• Circular of the State Administration of Work Safety and the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety on Printing and Issuing the Guiding Opinions on Reducing the Number of Underground Mine Operators and Increasing the Capacity for Ensuring the Safety in Coal Mines

- Guiding Opinions on Reducing the Number of Underground Mine Operators and Increasing the Capacity for Ensuring the Safety in Coal Mines

• Announcement of the National Tourism Administration (No. 18, 2016)

• Announcement of the National Tourism Administration on Annulling Certain Policy Documents

• List of Certain Policy Documents Annulled by the National Tourism Administration Circular of the National Energy Administration on Printing and Issuing the Measures for Administration of the Electric Power Planning

- Measures for Administration of the Electric Power Planning

• Appointments and Removals Made by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China
